Even I, an individual who tries to keep their finances very simple and understandable, have more than 1 bank account to manage things. What I needed was the ability to track multiple accounts with my CalendarBudget personal finance app. When I log into my bank web site I have the following accounts listed:
- Checking Account
- Savings Account
- Daughter Savings Account (for half of her allowance)
- Business Account (for PayPal use)
- Visa
- Line of Credit
Arguably, Visa and Line of Credit are not accounts, but I treat them that way.
While using CalendarBudget, I can currently only track one of these accounts which has always been something I planned to remedy. We’ve been working hard on this one… we actually completed a design and released it, but after some feedback and observing our users trying it, we pulled it back and started over. The original design just wasn’t right. It was painful because it meant 3 weeks of work had to be trashed… but it was the right thing to do.
So I started over, and this time I’m confident we got the design right. Now, as we are testing the new feature before releasing it, I think its a beautiful thing. I know this will be a popular feature because it solves my own problems :)
Here’s a sneak peek at what the multi-account feature will look like. We are hoping to have the new feature ready for everyone in the next week or so. As always, any comments are welcome.
There are a number of other minor features coming at the same time, but I’ll leave those for another announcement when they are actually available.
The CalendarBudget online budget tool provides bank-level security and lets you safely upload transactions from your online bank. Tell us what you think about the new multi-account feature on the CalendarBudget personal finance app.
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