Home Forums CalendarBudget Support what really happened

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    • Avatar of janise_markjanise_mark
      Post count: 2

      The first time I loaded the file from my bank, they went to the calendar with no problem. This time, however, they’re not. They’re all on the left sidebar under “What Really Happened.” Each box/transaction has a red “X” which does nothing when I click it. If I click the box, it may turn from red to blue, and I can hold “shift” down and highlight/turn blue all of them, but I still cannot do anything with them.

      I am using a Chromebook. I don’t know if that is making a difference, but it’s the only thing I’ve used since I started with CalendarBudget.

      Also, is there anything else besides videos that explains how to use CalendarBudget? Videos are very time consuming. I do not have that kind of time. Isn’t there some other user guide?

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Sorry, the videos are *the way* to best learn how to use the reconciling feature. The video is only a few minutes long… I’m sure you can find the time :)

    • Avatar of janise_markjanise_mark
      Post count: 2

      FTR, I *HIGHLY* dislike video tutorials. (Hate may not be too strong of a word.) However, I did watch the reconcile video, and it did take care of the problem. Thanks.

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