Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Transferring between accounts

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    • Avatar of kirstenkirsten
      Post count: 5

      I’ve been using CalendarBudget for almost a year and a half, and I’ve come to rely on it as our main cash flow tool.

      My question is around transferring between accounts.  We actually have three accounts that we use day-to-day; a main joint account, and two personal accounts that my husband and I each use for paying off our joint credit cards, and any other expenses that we don’t want the other person to see – like buying birthday gifts for each other!

      I set up three accounts on CalendarBudget to represent the three accounts, but quickly got frustrated with having to enter any transfer between the accounts twice; so, I’ve gone back to just using the one account.  However, this can get challenging too, since we may have enough cash at any one time, but I have check by hand to make sure it’s in the right account for the payments that are coming up.

      Any ideas or advice for me on ways to easily use multiple accounts on CalendarBudget?

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 42

      I could use a similar feature as I have been using a third account to represent our credit card which we use for the majority of our purchases as well as auto-debiting our cable, phone, etc. bills and then we pay off at the end of each month.  Transferring between calendar budget accounts would provide an increase in utility and make more sense in terms of helping keep track of those events. 

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We have an upcoming feature which will allow this operation more easily. 
      There will probably be a checkbox on the entry dialog allowing you to make this entry a “transfer” and then it will automatically double entry in the current account and the target account.

      A number of people have asked for this feature, so it will be in the next round of updates, probably in the next 2-3 weeks.

    • Avatar of kirstenkirsten
      Post count: 5

      I saw the feature after I’d posted… that might finally teach me to read everything before I dive into posting!  ;D

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Some discussion about Transfers ran off in the “Categories in Multiple Accounts” thread.  Here’s the conclusion:

      First, I’m going to make Categories a single instance, global set of categories (not different categories for each account). 
      Then, I’ll complete the account transfer feature.  Once categories are global, transferring will make more sense since the target account transaction will be in the same category, and report across accounts will be much simpler.

      I’m targeting end of next week to do all of this. (fingers crossed)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Coding the transfer feature is taking a little longer than expected.  It may roll over to next week to ensure its well tested before we release it.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We’re planning to release inter-account transfers later tonight, unless testing finds a major problem.
      We decided to make transfer a transaction type.  So, if you have more than 1 account created in CalendarBudget, you’ll be able to choose from Deposit, Withdrawal, or Transfer.

    • Avatar of obelixObelix
      Post count: 48

      Text error on the drop down to select accounts when doing a transfer.  I have a “Money Market” account.  It shows up as a “Money%20Market” account.  Maybe your literal read of the account name field needs a tweek.  It looks like you handle a 2 word option in the “Category” drop list with no problem.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Thats an easy fix.  We didn’t test with any 2 word accounts.
      I’ll fix that tomorrow.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Fixed.  Thanks for pointing that out.

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