Home Forums Feature Wish List Tracking reconciling a transaction

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    • Avatar of todd1215todd1215
      Post count: 10

      I think it would be useful to be able to track the entry date of a transaction and then also it’s reconciliation date as well. For me I set up bill payments in advance and when they get reconciled it gets moved to the date the payment was processed by the bank. I think this is good for tracking the reconciliation part but if I want to go back and see what date I paid the bill I can’t because it moved to the bank process date.

      Would it be possible to automatically make an entry in the notes or something that it was processed by the bank on mm/dd/yy but was marked as paid on mm/dd/yy ?

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Interesting idea. Yes, I could automate a note, but, can I ask why you want to track the original date? I can’t think of a useful reason to track that date.

    • Avatar of todd1215todd1215
      Post count: 10

      Its more so that I know when was the date that I marked the payment as being paid really. So that might even be a better feature, to note the date the bill was marked as paid and then when you reconcile if the date changes to the bank processed date at least you’d have a quick idea of when you actually paid it. Just some extra info that may be useful

    • Avatar of todd1215todd1215
      Post count: 10

      Maybe a better more simpler way would be to put an icon on the transaction that has been reconciled that signifies that it’s already been done.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We have that now. If you right click on an entry in the calendar, you can use the “Mark as completed”.
      You could use the current “Notes” field to track the original date if you like also. I’m not sure enough people would want to do this to create a new field for it – we want to keep the UI clean and simple and I think you could use the Notes field for what you’re asking.

    • Avatar of todd1215todd1215
      Post count: 10

      I would accept that as an answer if in fact when you reconciled a transaction it would automatically get marked as Completed but that is not the case. Yours is a manual process.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Yes, it is a manual process. At the moment, we do no differential between entries that have been reconciled with the bank or enteries that have been previously entered as part of planning.

    • Avatar of todd1215todd1215
      Post count: 10

      It would make it much easier to reconcile your account if you where to put another icon on the transaction to let you know at a quick glance that its been reconciled.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Ya, good call. Done!

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