Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Total monthly expenses

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    • Avatar of miclough8miclough8
      Post count: 1

      I am greatly enjoying using Calendar Budget, but I really would like to see the total monthly expenses somewhere. Right now I have to subtract (budgeted amount) – (balance remaining) for each budget category and then add all these results to see my total monthly expenses. Is there an easier way to do this or can I view my total monthly expenses somewhere??

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      At the moment, no there is no way to view this, although this has long been on our to -do list to re-vamp the category sidebar into something much more useful. No ETA on that yet.

    • Avatar of vorearvorear
      Post count: 6

      Also some check to compare the monthly budget expenses with income. Perhaps display the total budget for planned and month in the category setup screen.

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