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    • Avatar of michael phillipsMichael Phillips
      Post count: 5

      Hello again Eric

      The Show High/Low double arrow is a superb feature – I LOVE it.  :)

      However, the LOW bit – correctly – shows in RED. The amount – [if it is negative] – also shows in red. Red on red doesn’t seem to work.

      Any comments?

      Mike Phillips England

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Yes, when we designed it, we tweaked the colors to maximize the contrast, but admittedly it’s still not great.
      Do you have any suggestions about how we can make it better?

    • Avatar of michael phillipsMichael Phillips
      Post count: 5

      Hey Eric

      My only suggestion is to make a negative balance change to white-out when using the min/max double arrow.

      But I have no experience with this, so I don’t really have any workable suggestions.

      Good luck

      Mike Phillips, England

    • Avatar of michael phillipsMichael Phillips
      Post count: 5


      Thanks for making the highlighting easier – perfect

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      No problem. I think it looks much better now too :)

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