Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Reconciliation Problem

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    • mmckeaney
      Post count: 10

      Lately I have been having one or two transactions that I can see on my bank website, but they don't show up when I download and reconcile. It happened again this week, one deposit and one transfer. I opened the qfx in text/edit, and the items are there.

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      That is odd indeed. Sometimes items are posted as pending and therefore not actually part of the account history yet. That could be the case here, but if you'd like me to have a look at it, please email the bank file to me at epoulin@calendarbudget.com and specify which entry you should be seeing but are not.

    • mmckeaney
      Post count: 10

      It's been over two months since I posted this. As I noted in the OP, I checked the qfx and the transactions were there. If it happens again, I'll let you know.

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Yeah, the notifications from this forum platform are not awesome so sometimes I miss posts. We're going to be migrating to a different support form in the coming months. Definitely if you see this happening again let me know, and certainly it will be helpful to get a copy of the file that is causing this problem.

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