Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Reconciliation Issue

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    • Sigma8510
      Post count: 2

      I have been using this application for a good while and really enjoy it.  Over the past few months I have been having an issue when trying to import bank transactions to a newly added account.  When I import the file, the transactions appear for reconciliation in the leftmost column for the other two accounts I have, but they do not appear for the recently added account for which the transactions actually apply.  I have tried reloading the transactions several times.  I am at a lost as to what to do to get them to appear.  I guess I could manually review my statement and reconcile for this one account alone, but that would defeat some of the purpose of me using this app.

      Any assistance is appreciated!

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      This typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the currencies for your category and account. Please check under Settings -> Account Setup for the currency symbol for your account and then check Settings -> Category Setup that the currency symbol matches. When you are creating/editing entries for an account, the only categories that show up are those with the same currency symbol (so you're not accidentally mixing currencies from the same category.

    • Sigma8510
      Post count: 2

      Appreciate the quick response!  Checked both account setup and category setup.  All using the $ for currency.  Issue still remains.

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