Home Forums Feature Wish List Nitpick about entering dollar amounts

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    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      I’m going to indulge myself and nitpick one small thing.  ;D

      When entering a dollar value, if the amount ends in a multiple of “10”, I tend not to enter the zero (I use spreadsheets and calculators a lot.  It’s kind of a habit).

      CalendarBudget doesn’t like it when you do that.  It’d be nice if it would fill in the zero(s) automatically if only one (or none) decimal is typed in when the user moves on to the next field.  So entering 10 would result in 10.00, or entering 5.8 would result in 5.80.

      There.  I feel better.  Sorry for the rant, Eric.  :D


    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I’ll be looking to this shortly.  Thanks for being kind :)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I’ve fixed this problem – the fix will appear in the next batch of updates – should be end of this week.

    • Avatar of lucasLucas
      Post count: 34

      Let me put in my own little nitpick. When I click on the Amount box, it would be nice if the amount selected itself in order to re-enter it. Entering amounts that are just 4-5 numbers is a lot faster when just re-typing it, rather than trying to correct the amount manually. Clicking takes way too much time, so does using left and right arrows – I’d much rather simply tab to the box, re-enter the amount, hit enter and be done with it.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Lucas,  thanks for your note. 
      I’m not sure I follow.
      Currently (as has been this way for a long while) if you tab or click into the amount box, the amount does get highlighted, allowing you to simply type over it.
      What exactly happens when you tab into the amount box?

      Any other nit-picks?  I’m taking them all currently :)

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