Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Modify repeating entry

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    • Avatar of delsolDelsol
      Post count: 1

      Hello! I’ve wanted to lengthen the time frame on many of my repeating entries, mainly withdrawals. I changed the time frame to the new length, then chose “this & all future entries”, then it popped up with a choice to “modify” or “recreate”. Since it was sitting on the “modify” option, I left it there and clicked “ok”. I did this to several different ones, without cking on the changes, and now my calendar is showing very overdrawn, even on many months in the past. Should I have chosen “recreate”??? How am I to fix this, please? Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      The following video explains a little more about modifying a repeating entry breaking it out for the series:

      As for modifying the repeating series… modifying “existing” entries changes the current entries as they already exist on your calendar.
      Recreating is useful if you are changing the repeating pattern (ie moving from repeating on Fri to Mon).
      eventually we plan to simplify this, but that’s the differentiation for now.

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