Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Link to Forum gone?

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    • Avatar of kerrbearkerrbear
      Post count: 8

      I was wondering about the link to the forum when logged into my account.  I really liked having that shortcut there in the help menu.  Is this moved somewhere else that I cannot seem to find?  If not, please bring it back.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I removed the Forum link in a decision about working with our Business Partners, who use CalendarBudget as “Company X’s Budget Manager”.  Jumping to the Forum which has the CalendarBudget logo can be confusing.
      It was a hard decision, because now people using CalendarBudget from a business partner won’t know that we even have a forum where questions can be answered and requests made… Now that I think of it… maybe I should put it back for that very reason :)

      The link is still there if you are coming from calendarbudget.com instead from a business partner.

      Did you find it the co-branding with our business partner confusing?

    • Avatar of kerrbearkerrbear
      Post count: 8

      Thanks for putting the link back.  It really is great to know there is a forum where I can go to ask or find info on things I am unsure of. Also great that we can make requests like this and have someone like you that actually pays attention and responds to what we have to say.  And it helps to have easy access to it, although I totally understand about the problem with the Business Partners. But thank you for putting it back.  :)

      As for the co-branding, I haven’t really noticed a difference actually.

      I think this program has been a very useful tool for me, although there are still a lot of features I haven’t actually fully taken advantage of yet.  The expanded categories sidebar is real great though. Very happy to see that!  And the new pop-up menus are a lot nicer, except for the “You must enter a title for this entry before submitting” callout that covers the title bar when I start a new entry.  Also a little disappointed about having to scroll down in the final dialogue box now when making changes to a recurring transaction.  But I still like the style better, so it works for me.  Keep up the great work!  8)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Yes, the power of one voice can make improvements for all. I’m glad people such as you take the time to comment when things don’t seem right. :)
      Thanks for pointing out about the scrolling issue in the repeat details dialog.  We can adjust that to auto-size like the main entry dialog when you select repeat options.
      I also see the issue with the “You must enter a title for this entry before submitting” callout you mentioned.  I’ll see what I can do about that in our next cycle.

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