Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Limited Number of Accounts

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    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      I just ran into this tonight.  A max limit of nine accounts.

      Two questions:
      1) Why the limit?

      2) Why 9?  As opposed to 5, 10, 20, etc.

      Just curious.

      (and in case anyone was wondering, yep.  I need to set up more than nine accounts. lol)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Actually, I didn’t think anyone would ever have need for more than 9 accounts.
      You need more than 9, really??
      It was a technical issue that would have required several hours of programming to overcome and associated testing.  Since I thought it would never happen, I just left it as is.
      If you have a real need for more than 9 accounts, I can spend the time to solve the problem correctly.

    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      No, not worth all the hassle.

      We have several savings accounts, all earmarked for different things.  One for trips, one for Birthdays/Christmas, one for house projects, etc.  Easier to keep track of how much we have to spend on such things.  Since they’re free, and accessible online, I thought, why not!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We’ve had a number of clients ask about the 9 account limit. We’re going to remove this restriction in the next few weeks. Premium users will be able to create an many accounts as they want.

    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      We’ve had a number of clients ask about the 9 account limit.

      Hey, I’m not the only one! w00t!


    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We’re testing changes including this right now — hoping to be done by end of this week!

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