Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Hide Categories No Longer Needed

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    • Avatar of bethiecox1074bethiecox1074
      Post count: 3

      Hello, I have categories that I no longer need and are no longer a part of my current expenses/budget. I would like to clean up my view and have only the categories that are part of my current budge show on my calendar view. Is there a way to hide them from my current view since, if I delete them, I lose the historical view and information?


    • Avatar of bethiecox1074bethiecox1074
      Post count: 3

      Hello?? Does anyone have any response or info on this?

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Hi – I think we caught up with each other in a support ticket. Here was my response there:

      Good question – there is no way to hide categories you no longer want to use. If you try to delete a category that was used for any transaction, you’ll be prompted to reassign those transactions to a new category. Yes, you’d lose the history, but how often do you go back and check historically. If you have a new categorization strategy, the reassignment will probably work well in case you want to look back and compare to your new plan.

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