Home Forums Feature Wish List [FEATURE REQUEST] Country Currency

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    • Avatar of lucasLucas
      Post count: 34

      Because me and Eric are in Canada and I’m sure a lot of users are in the good old USofA, it just gave me a flash… Yeah, I have a lot of those :P

      Eric, did you ever think about currency and exchange rates? Some people have money in more than one country in different accounts, and having a system to help see the fluctuating values of money could be an idea.

      Here’s a few thoughts about it:

      • Having a “base currency” from which to determine value (CDN, USD, etc).
      • Automatically update from bank website (once a day or per X hours, for the whole system and not the user)
      • Report on present & past exchange rates (along with differencials in values, showing money “lost” and “gained” by different exchange rates)
    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Actually, this is one area I had not thought about.
      CalendarBudget currently has only 1 currency – depending on your browser local.  If you are in a European locale, CalendarBudget shows the Euro symbol, If you are in UK, it shows pound symbol.  Otherwise, it shows in the regular dollar symbol, but in the end, its just showing a symbol, there is no conversion happening.

      I think the demand for this would be pretty low, but it may be useful for some.  This one will go one the long-term wish list I think once higher priority things are taken care of.  Once I get a few more wishlist features taken down, I’ll update the feature poll and let the voting direct development.

    • Avatar of lucasLucas
      Post count: 34

      Actually, I was thinking of this a lower priority, and it’s not for myself.

      It’s nice to have some features for the future, so you can keep those “New Features!” comin’!

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