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    • Avatar of findablespyFindableSpy
      Post count: 3

      Hi! I have a weekly paycheck so I pay most of our bills each week. I divide them by 4, then pay through the bank, etc. to make sure they are all paid on time. Occasionally, it gets a little hinky and I would greatly love an easy way to tell what dates that they are due to make sure I get them all in on time. Is there a way to mark something like every 28th of the month AT&T is due? Like payment reminders I guess? It would be so much easier than having to constantly pull up a separate calendar.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to bulk edit a set of transactions. For the moment, you'll need to mark each one individually. But, if you use the search functionality (top left of browser app) you should be able to easily identify the ones you need to modify.

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