Home Forums CalendarBudget Support Changing Date of Existing Transaction Takes Multiple Tries

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    • jedenf
      Post count: 4

      When using the iOS app, I try to change the date of a transaction, but the first time doesn’t stick. I have to go back into the item, try again & it usually moves after that. I find it happens most on recurring items & choosing the ‘This Entry Only’

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Thanks for reporting this. I have heard from others that the date picker on iOS closes after each mini selection. For example when you choose the date it closes before you have a chance to change the months or the year. I am about to investigate this further, just finishing up a few other changes… and waiting for Apple to approve the app update in the app store again.

    • jedenf
      Post count: 4

      Thank you Eric! I noticed that too, but saw it more as an annoyance rather than a true bug :) Hopefully you can get both of them worked out soon. I absolutely LOVE your program and tell EVERYONE about it  ;D

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      As part of the redesign of the transaction edit screen, this will be addressed. Hoping to have that ready within a week.

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