Home Forums Feature Wish List billing cycles

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    • todd1215
      Post count: 10

      Great product!!!

      I like to see some different billing cycles added. I have some bills that are due every 28 days, so I can’t use the repeat ‘day’ method because you only go up to 15 days, and using 4 x weeks would work but your not calculating the next due date – your requiring a day of the week to be entered which is not the same thing. Anyway there are some common billing cycles that if implemented would make things a bit easier when scheduling bills.


    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I don’t understand why repeating weekly would not work.
      Since every 28 days is divisible by 7, its going to fall on the same day of the week everytime… So selecting every 4 weeks on a Thurs (if the 28th day is a Thurs) should work shouldn’t it?

    • todd1215
      Post count: 10

      ah you are a smarter man than I! I guess I wasn’t really looking at it that way. I was stuck on the cycle of days not 4 weeks ( 4 * 7 ) = 28 days ….

      My apologies for wasting your time replying to my silly questions.

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      No problem. That what these forums are for :)

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