Home Forums Feature Wish List Alerts

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    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I’m writing content for the alerts now.  Any requests?

      Some possibilities:
      – Warning of which day in the month pushes you over your budget in any category?
      – Suggestion to use unspent category budget to pay off debt of invest?
      – Does you’re account go into the red (or below some preset low-threshold) in the next 3 (or x number of) months?  If so, when.
      – What is the high and low balance (with dates) in the current month? (this duplicates the High/Low indicator)

    • Obelix
      Post count: 48

      Dunno if you’re still working on this, but I like the third one (account hits threshold in on X date).  might be interesting to make it work both ways (low or high) so you could use it for saving up to a set goal.  I assume it would be per account right?

    • Eric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Yes, I did that for alerts… but not for goals.  I’ll probably add that when goals get added.
      Yes the alerts are per account.  You can even hover over the dates to have them “pop” out while reviewing the alerts.

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