Home Forums Feature Wish List Accounts with different currencies and exchange rate

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    • Avatar of ivicasdivicaSD
      Post count: 13


      Another idea (which is typical for my country) :

      I have multiple accounts in different currencies (USD $, EUR €, RSD …)
      All accounts tab shows SUM of all ammounts, which is totaly wrong (since 1 € = approx. 112 RSD, and 1 $ = approx.  85 RSD).
      There would be a nice feature to enter currency rate at some place (or even currency rate + date of start using that rate, because it is changing during time), and calculate SUM in one currency when showing all acounts (it would be useful to choose which currency to show, and program making calculations of all shown items)

      In addition, REPORTS could also let us choose which currency we would like to see, and program makes all the math…  ::)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      We have considered this. We know the all accounts total is not correct in a multi-currency scenario. We don’t show a currency symbol on All Accounts, but the total is definitely wrong.
      The problem with trying to do currency conversion is… the conversion rates change each day, so looking at a calendar would we use the currency conversion as it is TODAY or should we somehow try to cache the values… then we are storing currency conversion rates for every date, which is crazy. We thought about just using todays rate on all instances… since it would only affect the All Accounts tab but it just never got prioritized in our development efforts.

    • Avatar of ivicasdivicaSD
      Post count: 13

      Thanks for your reply!

      I hope it wouldn’t be too much work to make ONE field for currency rate (which would be manually refreshed by users) and use that rate in All Accounts view. I understand this is not a priority in your development schedule, since I don’t know how many users have multiple currencies…

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