Here’s a portion of the email sent to existing users:
We at CalendarBudget love you and your feedback.
We are happy to announce that we have entered into a Beta period (for a few months) during which time access will be completely free.
We are making this move to introduce a number of new features such as auto-consolidation from bank transaction exports, tutorials and other great things that will make managing your finances even easier. The home period will give us sufficient time to ensure that these important features are working properly and to incorporate your feedback before charging you for them.
We hope to get through this home period soon (around February/March) and deliver these high-quality features you’ve been asking for.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions for CalendarBudget.
Now’s your chance – sign up today and really give it a test drive for several months for free, and enjoy all the new features being constantly added.
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