Home Forums Feature Wish List split categories

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    • Avatar of sharch1sharch1
      Post count: 1

      I have been using Calendar Budget for three years now.  My only complaint is that you can't split one transaction into multiple categories.  For instance I go to Walmart and buy groceries, clothes, hardware, toys etc.. I would like to say that a portion of that transaction goes to three different categories instead of having to enter Walmart in as three different transactions.  Thanks so much!!!!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Actually you can :-)
      Go ahead and create the first entry for the full amount. Categorize it however you label the entry. Then right click on the entry and there will be an option to split transaction. This will allow you to designate how much of the transaction goes to the new category and new label.

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