Home Forums Feature Wish List Sorting transactions per day

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    • Avatar of valzhoValZho
      Post count: 13

      Currently, transactions listed on a particular day are listed in alphabetical order. It would be nice to be able to right-click on some empty space on a day (same place you left-click to create a transaction), and have some sorting options. Alphabetical, of course, should be the default, but sorting by the transaction amount would also be extremely helpful, too (since that’s how my bank sorts everything).

      I wouldn’t care how this is implemented, to be honest… sorting “sticks” until the next login, sorting is permanently saved per-day, sorting is a global setting only… as long as it gets added, it would make my life just a little bit easier. :)

      Also, when sorting by amount, I would be in favor of it separating out by transaction type… for example, let’s say you had the following transactions on a particular day:

      Sorted alphabetically:


      Account Transfer: $200

    • Birthday Money: $20
    • Grocery Store: ($150)
    • Movie: ($10)
    • Paycheck: $500
    • Phone Bill: ($50)
    • Taco Bell: ($5)
    • Tax Refund: $100
    • Water Bill: ($100)
    • Savings Deposit: ($200)
    • Sorted by amount (& transaction type):

      Paycheck: $500

    • Tax Refund: $100
    • Birthday Money: $20
    • Taco Bell: ($5)
    • Movie: ($10)
    • Phone Bill: ($50)
    • Water Bill: ($100)
    • Grocery Store: ($150)
    • Account Transfer: $200
    • Savings Deposit: ($200)
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