Home Forums Feature Wish List "Repeat" entries – icon and separation

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    • Avatar of lucasLucas
      Post count: 34

      Hey hey!

      I just thought that it would be great to have a small icon on the entries that would indicate visually that a specific entry is repeating (part of a series). Sometimes I move entries around and there’s no way to see if it’s still part of the repeating entry.

      Also, if I move an entry within a series, it does seem to “separate” and deleting it doesn’t delete the series… But it’s still showing the “repeat” options at the bottom as if it was still part of it. I suggest that when you separate an item from a series, it should become a single entry and show as not repeating so as to not confuse.

      Just my 2 cents as usual. Great job on all the new features, Eric! I love it more every day. :)


    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I really like the mouse icon indicating repeating… Consider that on our high priority list (since it should be easy to implement).

      When you move a repeating item by dragging it (or by changing it and setting the change to “Only this entry”) it does separate it from the series. You’re right in saying that you should no longer see the repeating details along with it. We haven’t seen this in our testing.

      Can you give me an example of when this happens to you? If it includes your private data, please email me rather than share your data on the forum.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      Hows that for service? Request and solution published… all in 1 day :)
      If only I could be so responsive to all requests!

      “Repeats” mouse indicator published.

    • Avatar of lucasLucas
      Post count: 34

      Awesome! That’s exactly how I imagined it would behave! Nice work man!

      Now you only need a little icon like the + for new entries and you’ll be set (I was imagining 1 or 2 arrows in a circle, think something like these images). But that’s no rush :)

      Thanks again!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I started with an icon kind of like these, and my tester said it looked like the icon was indicating you could re-order the entries on a day. I’ll show her these icon suggestions you’ve linked to and see what she thinks.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      I think I managed to create one we will all agree on. I’ll try to publish it later today.

    • Avatar of kerrbearkerrbear
      Post count: 8

      Well, if it doesn’t work, I had an idea…

      I wondered if there is a way to force the entry on the calendar to be indented enough that an icon or symbol of some sort showed at the beginning of an entry at all times, instead of just when mousing over an entry.

      Just a thought.

      Loving Calendar Budget more every day! And I already thought it was great! :D

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 379

      That is also an interesting idea. We’d thought before about using icons as indicators, but didn’t move on it for some reason. I think for now, I’ll stay with the new mouse icon… but I’m going to put this idea on our consideration list. We may have several uses for icons if we go this route.
      Thanks for your input!

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