Home Forums Feature Wish List Display problem with Many Transactions in One Day

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    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      Ran into a small problem today.  When mousing over a day located near the bottom of the screen, if the day has lots of transactions, the bottom of the expanded popup disappears below the bottom of the screen.

      Recommend either changing how the popup aligns with the calendar day (if the day is on the lower half of the screen, the popup aligns with the bottom of the box instead of the top) or allowing us to move the contents somehow (set the size of the popup and let us scroll through it with the mouse wheel, or use the mouse wheel to move the popup up or down, etc).

      In case this is merely a browser compatibility issue, both Chrome and Firefox have this issue.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Hmm.  The behavior is supposed to be, the cell expands and bottom aligns with the bottom of the calendar and expands upward.
      I’ll look into it.

    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      Any update on this yet?  Still having the bottom entries disappear.  While the popup is indeed aligning with the bottom of the calendar, it’s cutting off the bottom transactions past a certain point.

      Oh, and congrats on exiting Beta.  :)

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      I have to admit, Finovate has been taking all my attention.  Now that its done, I’ll look into this problem over the next few days – thanks for your patience.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380


      In my tests I cannot reproduce the problem.  Could you send me a screenshot of this problem with your CalendarBudget username to epoulin@calendarbudget.com?


    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      Email away!!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Problem has been fixed.  It was caused by your account tabs being so many/long that the tabs wrapped onto 2 rows.  This threw off the calculations by 1 row height.  Adjusted for that – fix should be in the next code drop, by end of this week (May 22).

    • Avatar of thumperThumper
      Post count: 23

      Problem has been fixed.  It was caused by your account tabs being so many/long that the tabs wrapped onto 2 rows.  This threw off the calculations by 1 row height.  Adjusted for that – fix should be in the next code drop, by end of this week (May 22).

      Awesome.  Thanks Eric!

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