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    • Avatar of calvinlecalvinle
      Post count: 1


      I am currently using facebook as login, but everytime I open the apps, it keeps asking me to login using facebook which is quite annoying. Is there a way that I can login directly without using facebook now?


    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Yes, you can switch to regular log anytime. We set a default password when you first login using Facebook and we use your primary Facebook email as your username. To receive your password, go to the login page and select the “Forgot Password” link. Enter your email and your password will be emailed to you.
      To change the password to something you’ll remember, first login using Facebook, then use the toolbar to click on the right-most menu and select Membership Details.
      Then click the “Change Password” button.

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