Home Forums Feature Wish List Temporary Bug ? Re: Re: Temporary Bug ?

Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
Post count: 380

I’m looking into your problem.  We haven’t seen this issue on any of our test machines.
What browser (and version number) and screen resolution are you using?  I’m thinking you are using IE7.
What stuff on the right is squished together?  Is it squished vertically or horizontally?
A screen shot would be helpful.  You can append a screenshot using the additional options while composing a note here… or email me the screen shot @ epoulin@calendarbudget.com.

I know your email address is very long, which would force the “Tell A Friend” link off screen, but otherwise things should be ok.

Do you have the same problem in Firefox or Chrome browsers?

Best setting for text size is “Normal” for CalendarBudget.