In my search for credit card alternatives, I came across this site for Credit Card Tips. It has some good tips about getting/using a credit card. If you are finding it hard to pay your debts down, using alternative payment methods could help you avoid further debt.

I called around to a few hotels and a vacation package company to see what alternatives were available to use my credit card to book things.

Here’s what I discovered:

  • I can book a hotel without using my credit card, but it is no longer guaranteed to be available after 6 pm (if I plan to arrive after 6 pm I need to use my credit card)
  • for a local hotel, I can go in person to book the room ahead of time
  • a debit card is accepted for a vacation package I was looking to book by phone (
  • go through a local travel agency and pay cash/debit to book vacations/accommodations that are not local