Home Forums Feature Wish List Reconciliation with Manual Entries

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    • Avatar of jpasterikjpasterik
      Post count: 3

      Maybe this was answered somewhere, but I could not find it:

      So, here is how I am doing it…maybe I am doing it wrong.

      I enter my transactions as I make them on the calendar and then every other day or so I log into my bank, download transactions, and then import that file to Reconcile with what I did.

      I drag the Red entry over from the left side, choose my category for it and save it. Now I have 2 entries on the calendar for the same amount, one that I entered when I created the item and another one when it was cleared by the bank. I then delete mine and have the Check-marked entry on the calendar to show a completed transaction.

      Am I reconciling wrong? Is there a way to have the program compare the Dollar Amount and prompt me to verify that they are the same, and if so, to merge the 2 and reconcile my entry automatically?

    • Avatar of jennyr68JennyR68
      Post count: 1

      I’m a newbie too so no idea what the ‘correct ‘ method is but what I do is load the transactions then if any are red on a day I change the day they they cleared on my entry. Once every entry matches up according the date it cleared in the bank  on my entries the left side disappears and it says everything is up to date. Then I set a bookmark for the reconcile so I can check next time when to download from.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Yes, I think what you want to do is drag your event from the sidebar directly onto the corresponding event in your calendar. When you do that instead of creating a duplicate entry it will replace the existing entry with the updated amount.

    • Avatar of jpasterikjpasterik
      Post count: 3

      Ok, I will try that next time. I actually just did it the way I normally did and then came back in here to see if anyone replied, so I saw these after I was done for today :)

      I have noticed that if I have an entry that I create, the left hand column shows that same dollar amount in Green instead of Red when I load my transactions. If I delete my manual entry, the one on the left turns red again. So, it seems that it is recognizing similar dollar amounts, but did not show as reconciled (with a Check Mark) on the calendar unless I dragged it over.

      As I look at it more, it is starting to make sense and I see how it is working, but I will try to drag one from the left onto the existing entry and see what it does.

      Thanks again! Love this app!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Yes – you only drag over the red events that are not already on the calendar.

    • Avatar of jpasterikjpasterik
      Post count: 3

      Fantastic! I just updated today and when I dragged it over my entry, it updated the date as to when it cleared and took care of just what I wanted it to do! Thank you!

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