Home Forums Feature Wish List Check/uncheck category

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    • Avatar of frugalcoconutfrugalcoconut
      Post count: 18

      Right now it appears that when I check off a category and then proceed to UN-check it, the entries belonging to that category that are displayed on the current calendar view but NOT in the current month that is being viewed (e.g. 6 Feb 2008 when I’m looking at Jan 2008) become faded/grayed out.  When you click to a different month, it does all go back to normal though.  Can this be changed so un-checking each category causes everything to return to the original view with no distortions?

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Yes. You’re right.  This is a bug that I’ll fix.  That code was released just yesterday, but, it appears we missed that in our testing cycle.

      Thanks for pointing it out!

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      This is now fixed.  Thanks again for pointing it out.

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