Home Forums CalendarBudget Support App spins nonstop after each new transaction

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    • Avatar of connellmitziconnellmitzi
      Post count: 2

      Hi all. After adding a new transaction , the app is spinning nonstop, saying “loading “. You have to close and reopen the app to get it working again.
      I have a screenshot video of what it’s doing. I can try sending it to you after the support ticket is created.

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      Yes, there is a problem with the iOS update. We realized this just hours after it was released, created a fix, and resubmitted it to the iOS app store. However, Apple has decided to reject our update, and we are in the process of appealing Apple’s decision. The update you need is ready to go, but they won’t allow it to be released :-(. Sometimes working with Apple makes my blood boil, but we are trying to get it out to you as quickly as possible.

    • Avatar of connellmitziconnellmitzi
      Post count: 2

      Arrrrrrrrgh. I’m sorry. No worries. I’m happy to work around this & wait for the update, whenever it’s approved to go.

    • Avatar of thebooeythebooey
      Post count: 2

      Hi, I’m also still having this problem is the a fix for this? Thank you

    • Avatar of eric poulinEric Poulin
      Post count: 380

      This problem was from almost a full year and a half ago and has long since been resolved. If you’re having a specific issue at this point, please contact us with a support ticket so we can understand your specific concern. https://calendarbudget.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

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